Company profile and contacts

Company profile

Company name: MMG proizvodno trgovsko podjetje d.o.o.
Short name: MMG d.o.o.
Address: Poljubinj 99, 5220 Tolmin, Slovenija
Telephone: +386 (0)5 381 30 60
Telephone: +386 (0)5 381 30 61
Established: 1992
Registration number: 5617898
VAT number: SI69241473
Registry number: 1/02481/00
Bank Accounts: IBAN SI56 1010 0003 4943 275 - Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.


Managing Director


Helena Kranjc Kavčič

Telephone: +386 (0)5 381 30 60
Mobile: +386 (0)31 718 686

Forestry services, purchase of standing timber and forest roads:

Name/surname: Dejan Lapanja
Telephone: +386 (0)5 381 30 60
Mobile: +386 (0)41 344 990

Purchase of timber at the roadside:

Name/surname: Damijan Kranjc
Telephone: +386 (0)5 381 30 60
Mobile: +386 (0)31 627 370

Sale of timber:

Name/surname: Helena Kranjc Kavčič
Telephone: +386 (0)5 381 30 61
Mobile: +386 (0)31 718 686

Secretary and material bookkeeping:

Name/surname: Nives Pavletič
Telephone: +386 (0)5 381 30 60